-- Shining Force Neo -- -- FAQ/Walkthrough -- -- By Kouli {aka Ken Zhao, kenzhao99@yahoo.com} -- -- Converted to US release of the game by Run Amok -- -- Version 0.4 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The original FAQ/Walkthrough by Kouli was based on the Japanese version of Shining Force Neo released on March 24, 2005. The game was made by Neverland and published by Sega. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > April 2~7, 2005 - Version 0.1 by Kouli. Start up with the basic from the Software Manual, as well as beginning to write the full walkthrough > April 8~10, 2005 - Version 0.2 by Kouli. Done the full walkthrough up to the Optional Dungeon > April 15, 2009 - Version 0.3 by Run Amok. Converted place, character, and item names to those used in the US release of the game. Added play notes from my experience, the walkthru of Labyrinth of the King, and the checklists for Force Arts and Secret Arts. > May 8, 2009 - Version 0.4 by Run Amok. Added info on secret passageways in the Dark Castle and the missing Warp Gate location in Rainbow Prairie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Pad - Up & Down: select Weapon Skill or Magic - Right & Left: select Item - Move cursor, toggle page Right Stick: Same as the D-Pad Left Stick: Move character or cursor (menu), toggle page Select: View monster information Start: Camp Menu, dialogue skip L1: Expand the Radar Map, toggle page L2: View the map, sort items R1: Focus on the point you are standing, can't move Max during this R2: Similar to R1 but this applies to the party Circle: confirm, advance message, attack Triangle: Use selected weapon skill or magic X: Command Cancel, talk, open door and treasure chest, pick up item Square: Use selected item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After viewing the opening movie (skip it by pressing Start), you will be taken to the Start Menu: New Game: Start a game from the beginning Load: Open a previously saved game When you open a saved game, the 'Journal' opens for you to review key events in the story to this point. Option: Configuration settings - Music: change the volume of the music - Sound: change the volume of sound effects - Event Speech: voices in events on or off - Sound: select Stereo or Mono - Vibration: on or off - Display Spell List: show all or only current selection - Display Item List: show all or only current selection - Key Configuration: switch between three configurations - Brightness: displays a brightness reference card - Screen Position Adjust: adjust up/down left/right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the upper left corner you will find bar readouts for your Health Points, Magic Points, and Experience. Center top shows readouts for your party members' HP. Down the left side are selectable indicators for the special 'weapon skill' and any available magic. Item shortcuts appear along the bottom of the screen. How these indicators display may be modified in the configuration menu. In the lower right hand corner is the Radar Map. The display shows a red triangle for Max, yellow triangles for your allies, and green dots for collectable items on the field (items, gold, energy). Press L1 to enlarge the Radar Map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press L2 to view the map of the current area - handy for navigation. Move around with the left stick and press circle to increase the cursor speed. Press square to pop back to Max's location. The triangle will highlight pathways. L1 and R1 zoom in and out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Greensleeves you can gather information, buy equipment, strengthen items, appraise items, enhance Force Arts, etc. Early in the game, you will obtain the headquarters which allows you to edit your party and talk with your allies. For much of the game you will be in the field, exploring and fighting. During fighting the monsters respawn via the Monster Gate. Initially the Monster Gate has strength regeneration ability, but after some of the monsters have been killed the Gate becomes vulnerable. Destroying a Monster Gate will kill all the remaining enemies from that Gate. Going from area to area and battling monsters advances the game and the story line. All the characters except Max are Non Player characters which means you can't control them. They are AI controlled and there is no multi player in this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever you see people on streets and places, if there is a cursor showing up when you are near them, that means you can talk with them by pressing X. You can advance the message speed by using Circle. You also use X to open doors, examine and pick up items on the field, open chests, and read signs. Reading signs is important because there are enemies that you aren't equipped to handle until later in the game. If you ignore the warning signs and go into dangerous areas you're probably going to get 'Game Over'. Signs can also direct you toward places you're trying to find. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use either the directional buttons or the right stick to select an item. To use it, press Square. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greensleeves is the main place for game transactions. -The Weapon and Item Shops allow you to buy or sell. You can also view item information and sort the items in your inventory. There are also shops in San Tovance that may stock different items. -The Appraisal Shop allows you to unlock and learn the abilities of unknown items - those with a '?' in their description -- for a price. -The Blacksmith is available to upgrade weapons and armor. Accessories (rings, bracelets) can't be strengthened here. -The Warehouse will store up to 200 items. Store items you don't need for your current campaign here for future use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strengthen your Force Frame abilities at the Force Art house with the Force Energy crystals you collect in the field. New types of Force Frame enhancements can be found in the field as 'Force Art' items. Collect these and give them to the shop owner. Aside from strengthening the Force Frame, you can also break down items for Force Energy. If you break down items that haven't be appraised you will only get 100 Energy. There is also a 'Secret Art' option which adds new features to weapons, armor, helms, and shields. These Secret Arts will be found in dungeons and hives accessible late in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press 'start' when out in the field to bring up the menu. The bottom section of the page shows your level, the experience require to obtain the next level, your gold, and your and Force Energy crystals. Above, you can select from four sub-menus: * Equipment (Up): Change your character's equipment. Purple dots next to an item means they have Special Powers attached. * Item (Right): View the items you have in your inventory. You can sort the list with L2 and discard items with triangle. There is a status panel for each item detailing that item's abilities. Use the directional buttons to toggle pages: [Attack Power] Attack Power: base damage done Combo: number of consecutive attacks before a pause Atk. Speed: how quickly the weapon responds Stun Blow: the ability of the weapon to stun an opponent Critical: likelihood of critical hit and damage ratio Knockback: ability of the weapon to throw opponent backward Atk. Range: striking reach of the weapon [Special Effect] Lists special abilities attached to this weapon: HP Absorb, MP absorb, Petrify, Knockback, Elemental Attacks, Etc. [Magical Ability] Lists the Attack power and Resistance percentage for and against physical and elemental based attacks. [Weapon Skill and Magic] Lists the weapon skill and any magic spells available with the weapon. [Defensive Power] - HP: player's max HP - MP: player's max MP - Defense Power: resistance to physical attack - Res./Rec. Stun: resistance and recovery time for stun attack - Res. Knockback: resistance to being thrown back by enemy attack - Res. Knockdown: resistance to being knocked down by enemy attack - Res. Critical: resistance to enemy high-damage critical attack - Ptfy. Recovery: time to recover from petrify attack - Speed: Movement speed with this item equipped (S fastest, E slowest) [Special Power] Displays Special Powers associated with this specific weapon. The third slot is for a Secret Art which may be added at the Force Art shop late in the game. * Status (Left): Displays your character's attributes: - Level: experience needed for next level - Strength: affects attack power and knockback power - Dexterity: affects the weapon's speed and special attacks - Intelligence: affects magic offensive power - HP: health points, current and maximum - MP: magic points, current and maximum - HP Recovery: points per second - MP Charge: points per second - Minimum Defense: damage under this level counts as zero - Speed: mobility in running and attacking - Steps: noise made walking - draws attention from enemies - Attack Sound: noise made when attacking - draws distant enemies in battle Moving left/right with directional buttons or left stick will bring up panels to view details on Attack Power, Special Effect, Defensive Power and Magical Ability. Pressing Square from this sub-menu will switch to an info display of your party members. Move from one character to another with the D-Pad or left stick. * Option (Down): essentially the same as the Start Menu Options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the home base of your allies. You can talk with your allies here, view their stats, and change the members of your party. Maximum party size is three, including Max. Allies gain experience only while fighting with your party - swap out party members as you progress thru the game to add to all your allies' experience and power. When a character levels up he/she/it will enhance their existing skills and may gain new magic and abilities. Later in the game, each of your allies will obtain a Class Upgrade 'Power Up' that will add further to their strength. The large Map Room has access to the Warp Gates. Red gates are usually towns and castles. Blue gates are Legion Hives. The Gates in the field must each be activated before they can be accessed from the Map Room. When you locate a Gate in the field, 'examine' it (X) to activate it. You may use Gates in the field to return directly to the Map Room, and use the lights in the Map Room to teleport to Warp Gates in the field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles are done in real time in this game, often on large open fields with swarms of enemies and monster gates. You can attack with Circle or use a selected magic or weapon skill with Triangle. * Max has access to 4 types of weaponry: - Single Handed Sword: can equip shield. Balanced speed and power. - Double Handed Sword: can not equip shield. Great power to bring down enemies. - Staff: can equip shield. Strong magic attacks. Weak physical attack possible. - Bow: Can not equip shield. Long range attack with unlimited ammo. * Using Spells The available magic depends on the weapon. You can select a spell with the directional buttons and use it with Triangle. Magic use requires MP. If you run out, you must either wait for your MP to regenerate, or you may restore your full MP by use of the contents of a 'Goddess Tear'. A 'Goddess Spring' will restore your MP and HP, refill your used Goddess Tear and Healing Water containers, and restore all party members You will receive one special spell early on in the game: the 'Stone of Return'. Return allows your party to teleport from anywhere directly to the 'Return Gate' in Greensleeves. As long as you stay within the boundaries of Greensleeves, you may go back to the Return Gate and press 'X' to return to the place you used Return. This is VERY useful when you are overpowered by enemies in the field, want to swap party members, need to sell or swap out items, or decide to save your game. * Weapon Skill Every weapon has a single special skill. Use of the skill depletes the skill which will slowly recharge. An arc around the skill display on the left of the screen shows the recharge progress. These weapon skills are: - Taunt (Single Handed Sword): entices nearby enemies to attack you - Sacrifice (Single Handed Sword): take the damage your allies would receive - Bash (Two Handed Sword): sends a shockwave to knock down enemies - Haste (Two Handed Sword): increases your attack speed - Meditation (Staff): regenerates MP quickly, but you can't move while using - Slow (Bow): slows down all enemies - Sneak Shot (Bow): renders you invisible for a few seconds. Any offense ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press 'Select' to view information on recently encountered monsters. This is handy to identify weaknesses and strengths. Entering a new area, using a Warp Gate, or casting Return resets the information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Max's HP gets down to 0, that's game over. Reload your last saved position or end the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important throughout the adventure. You can find items in the open, and break open boxes, barrels and chests to see what's inside. Locked chests must be opened with a 'Key'. When you defeat an enemy they may drop gold or Force Energy Crystals. Make sure you pick them up! Save Points: these are the Memory Stones with magic circles. Save often! Goddess Spring: refills your depleted Healing Water and Goddess Tear, heals your HP and MP, and revives any dead party members. Return Gate: when you use the 'Stone of Return' you will be transported to this location in Greensleeves. Hitting 'square' while standing on the gate will return you to your previous location. Use of other teleportation devices may disrupt your ability to return to the field via the Return Gate. Signs: assist in navigation during the game. Some give warnings on areas dangerous to low-level characters. Treasure chests: found throughout the game, some are locked and you will need to use up a 'Key' item to open it. Locked Door: like a Treasure Chest, they require use of a 'Key' to open. Sealed Door: cannot be opened by an ordinary key. Entry requires a 'Jet Black Seal' that you will obtain in the later part of the game. Switches: some doors can only be opened by switches located nearby. They ere typically large levers sticking up out of the floor. Examine the switch (X) to activate it. Force Energy Crystals: required to strengthen your Force Frame abilities at the Force Arts Shop. Pick them up! Charms and Powders: impart special immunity to your entire party for a short time: - 'Fairy Powder' prevents stun, knockback, and knockdown. - 'Charm of Flesh' cures and blocks the effect of paralysis attack. - 'Charm of Light' renders the party invulnerable. Only about five of these are available in the game, so use them sparingly. One can be found early in the game in the Parched Desert. Warp Gates: used to teleport to and from the HQ. They start to work after you find the HQ. When you find one, activate it by 'examining' it with the Square button. Once activated, you may return to this location at any time from the map at HQ. There is one in every town and castle, as well as at each of the 'Legion Hives' and 'Ordeal of Light' locations. One Warp Gate is oddly placed near the southeast exit from Rainbow Prairie. Legion Hives: dug into the earth by the Legion during the last war, these abandoned caves have recently become infested by assorted groups of monsters. At the surface, they look like a small dome tent. You may enter, but a 'Sealed Door' will prevent further passage unless you possess the required seal (see above). Be sure to activate the 'Warp Gate' outside near the entrance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the cut scene at the beginning, you will gain control of Max. First two enemies here are rather weak, couple slashes and they are gone. Explore around and break barrels, there are few items you can pick up here. Afterward, talk with the soldier to the west. Couple more enemies, still weak. If you need to heal with Healing Water, there is the Goddess Spring. Before going west and continuing along the path, equip the newly found 'Blaze Branch'. This allows you to use magic and attack the upcoming enemies. Make sure you also select 'Blaze' with the right analog stick. Then continue and blast the two enemies by using Triangle. Continue along the path to the east - there is a Memory Stone here if you need to save your game. Change your weapon back to the previous Broad Sword. Linger here in the square and you can fight lots of enemies. When you are done, attack the black hole-like object (Monster Gate) that is blocking the path. Continue to the left for a scene. For this fight, you will have Max's teacher (Graham) fighting along with you. After you kill all enemies, another cut scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meryl will join you at the end. Continue to the right for a cut scene. Meryl will leave the party for now. Go south to the next area. Continue down and don't forget the two barrels, then go down a bit south for another cut scene. After, a short fight with Max's father, Gaia. Keep hitting him and heal if you need to. Afterward, more scene. More enemies show up, just keep slashing and attack the Monster Gate after taking down some enemies. After a cut scene, go around fighting enemies. After defeating a couple Monster Gates, another cut scene. Now go back to Gaia. Cut scene. Gaia will join the party afterward. Now go north and return to previous area. Talk with the soldier by the right path for a cut scene. Take the right path, go up and enter the house by the intersection for a cut scene. Return to the intersection and go right. Continue along the path to the next area. Here, there is a Memory Stone. Go north to the next area. Go up the stairs and enter the house for a cut scene. Gaia will leave the party, another cut scene. Afterward, go back home (where Meryl was) and check the table. You will find a note from Meryl. Now back to the area with the Memory Stone. To the lower left, find and take the elevator. Continue along the path and kill the enemies on the way. Soon, a cut scene and more enemies with another Monster Gate. Afterward, work your way to the NW then go right. Eventually, you will get another cut scene with Meryl screaming. Continue on and you will meet up with her. She obviously doesn't need your help, and she will join. After a cut scene, go north. Cut scene. Head toward the 'Great Crystal of Force' for a cut scene. Return home. Meryl will leave the party. Cut scene. Now, attempt to follow Gaia. Meryl will join you. Head back to the area where you first met Gaia. Go SE and find that one of the doors is now opened. Eventually, you will be at an area with a Memory Stone, a Spring, and loads of enemies. Continue down to the west to the next area. Here, you will meet a new type of enemy, the Legion. They are a bit stronger so beware. Continue to the left and you will meet up with Gaia. With Gaia in the party, the Legion die like they are nothing. Continue to the north and another Memory Stone with a Spring near by. Press onward and fight more enemies - with Gaia in the party you should have no problems. At the end there is another Memory Stone and a Spring. Head to the next area. Go north toward the 'Great Crystal of Force' for a cut scene. A 'Man in a Mask' will appear, destroy the Crystal, and kill Gaia! The 'Man in a Mask' is revealed to be Cain, son of Gaia and brother of Max. After the cut scene, a Boss Fight. There are loads of Legion around, but just keep slashing and work your way toward the Boss. Another cut scene. You will obtain the 'Secret Stone of Return'. Give it a try: cast 'Return' (select the icon, press Triangle), then 'examine' the blue light (press X). Before you go, make sure you pick up the Healing Water. Now is a good time to explore the area. You can shop, you can return to where Gaia got killed for a 'Goddess Tear' which works like Healing Water for MP, and you can check out some previously locked areas in the same area where you first met Gaia. When finished, head to the elevator for more scene. Take the middle level (first option) for Rainbow Prairie. The entrance is at the NW, not the most west - that is for Rainbow Prairie SW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue along the main path and go right at the intersection. Continue along the mountain path to the next area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the arrows and head toward most north. You will get a scene once you are near Larcyle Fort. After, continue toward the castle. Kill tons of enemies here and break the Monster Gate near the fortress entrance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were here in the beginning, you should know the path well. Soon you will meet up with Graham. The enemies here are pretty damaging so watch out for your HP. After you destroy the Monster Gate, more scenes and Graham will join. After, take the west exit gate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S. Sinister Upper - Head left to the second area. - N. Sinister Upper - Make your way around to the NW. There is a Memory Stone and a Spring before the third area. - Sinister Bridge - Cut scene. After, loads of enemies. Slowly work your way up and you should be fine. - S. Sinister Lower - Cut scene. Take either the NE or SE path; they lead to the same area. - N. Sinister Lower - The exit is at the NE. As usual, you can take your time and explore the area to fight enemies, gain some experience, and gather items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This place has upper and lower layers, so the map is difficult to interpret. If you want get all items you are going to spend quite some time dodging the fast wolf enemies in this area. There are blue dragon enemies at the far NE area - they are very strong and have tons of HP. You may not want to mess with them even though they guard some nice items. To the SE there is a Warp Gate. The path is to the north - reach it from lower layer. There's a Spring near the exit. Past the Spring you will get another cut scene and Graham leaves the party. More scene and Chiquitita will join. Next, four Monster Gates and dozen wolves. After, a cut scene. Chiquitita will leave and Graham will rejoin. Go up, save your game, and proceed on to the next area where you'll encounter a Monster Gate surrounded by archers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut scene. When you are prompted with a choice, pick the first one. Explore the area to find a Healing Water. Take the west path for another cut scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply follow the path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue up a bit for a cut scene. This place is huge and somewhat difficult to navigate because all the fences, but do take some time and search for items. Most chests are locked so be prepared with some keys. The entrance to the castle is at the north with enemies guarding it. Within the castle, a cut scene. Take the center path. In this 'B1' area, continue along the path and hit the lever. Now back track up and take the most northern path. You unlocked the SE door by hitting the lever so you can travel around. Unlock the other 3 levers if you want, and when you are done collecting items and fighting monsters take the south path up to another section of Floor 1. Work your way to the left central red arrow on the map (L2) and hit the lever before you go up to Floor 2. On Floor 2, continue along the path to the right then up for a cut scene. Return to Greensleeves and prepare for the boss fights. Use the blue transport to return. Now, the four mini-boss fights: - SE is a Phantom and 4 Monster Gates. Focus on the Phantom; kill him and the battle is won. - NE is a Skeleton Archer. Same as above - slash your way through to the Skeleton Archer. - NW, is a Skeleton King. Clear out some of the monsters to get breathing room, then move on the King. - SW, is a Lesser Vampire. Both it and the minions can move fast, so heal a bit more. After you take care of these four mini bosses, take the north door for the Boss. The Orc Champ is difficult. Physical attacks are heavy, so keep your distance. Magic is useful here. Start by clearing out some monsters and knocking down the two Monster Gates, then focus on Orc Champ. Cut scene. Take the 'Secret Path'. Upstairs, you will meet up with Chiquitita and Chip. You will automatically return to Cantore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a cut scene, Chiquitita will join and you will automatically return to Greensleeves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take the newly appeared elevator to your HQ. After you finish exporing, return to Cantore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The north path is now open - follow it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More snow. Few items here, but plenty of enemies to fight. Watch out for the birds shooting icicles [Freezers]. The path to the next area is NE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you enter the city, put Chiquitita in the party for a bonus cut scene. Cut scene, a Monster Gate, more enemies. Take care of the side enemies, then the Golems. Enter the central elevator, then go south and head toward the Monster Gate. Beyond that, a cut scene then more enemies. Watch out for the Golem's attacks - take your time and slowly work your way around for openings. You can also rely on Meryl's magic. Take care of the side enemies first, then the Ice Golem. Another cut scene. Take some time to explore the city before you take the elevator, and make sure you save. Select the second option at the elevator to the Holy Ground. Head north for a cut scene and more enemies. There are three Monster Gates and Freezers. Keep moving and attack. A cut scene and then a tough Boss fight with Arc Legion. Good defense against fire will help here. After, take the elevator and head south to the central square area for a cut scene. Go to the lower east area and continue east a bit for another cut scene. Now head to the place where Meryl got caught for a cut scene. Baron will join - select the first option when you are prompted with a choice. Return to the elevator and head up to the surface. Exit to the east. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A big area. There are items scattered around and opportunities to fight and level up here. The path you need to take to advance is the most easterly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head NE to find the Airship for a cut scene. When you are done exploring, speak with Rhinos and pick the fourth option for a cut scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head up for a cut scene and enemies. There are 3 Monster Gates at left, center and north. Take care of the side enemies first then go for the gates. After the cut scene, explore for items. There are no enemies here. When you are done, enter the structure at the east for the entrance to the next area. In this level you're going thru a series of prison cells. There are lots of monster gates and enemies here. After about 3 cells, hit the switch to lower the gate and advance. A two-handed sword is useful to slash your way through, or use a bow to take down monsters before opening the gate. Repeat this sequence a few times and you will be at the end of the level. Next area. Continue along the path to the left and enter for more enemies. You have a vast horde of enemies around you and a big one at the center. Once you see the switch, hit it and start slashing thru the surrounding enemies to get to the center one. A cut scene, then on to the next level. In one of the prison cells you will meet Klein. More enemies, then make your way around to the next level. Similar to the horde level before, this one just has more enemies. Another cell area - same old same old. Slash your way through and take the ladder to the next area. After a cut scene, save your game. There is a Spring nearby. Head north for a cut scene and the Boss fight with Greed. You should be around Level 43 with good physical and lightning defense. Side enemies have high physical attack powers and can stun you, so prepare some Fairy Powder. Greed will use both lightning and a physical attack at close range that can knock you down. After, a cut scene. Head back to the ladder to instantly return to the area with the Airship. Talk with Rhinos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speak with Joanne at south, and select the second option when prompted with a choice. Head back to talk with Rhinos. Rhinos will join your party. Meryl will remain, and your other party member will return to HQ and the party is locked. There are merchants here with items you can't find in Greensleeves, so have a look. Buy a few 'Charm of Flesh'. When ready, take the SE exit out of town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep an eye out in the Parched Desert for a very rare 'Charm of Light'. Mostly enemies with fire, but beware of the giants carrying a big axe - they are fast and powerful. Return to save your game frequently, and avoid the use of close range weapons. Continue east to the next area. Continue east for a cut scene. There are three paths in this area: the cave that's near, the cave at north and a path to east. Take either the cave at north or the cave that's near - you will eventually get to the same place. Prepare some Charm of Flesh to cure and protect against paralysis. Afterward, take the path at north into another cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Corridor of Oblivion is a straight forward path to the right. As you arrive at the Ruins of Oblivion, a cut scene. The entrance is at the north. You can make your way there along the west side. In the next area, go to the center north to hit the switch. A cut scene, then quickly a fight. The area is small and limited, so take care. Now that the water is drained you can make your way down and head north to a new area. You'll encounter a large Red Dragon; fire attacks are useless. You can cast return if you get into trouble. Continue to the next area and a cut scene. Keep moving north from area to area. You will meet with Maria [Max's mother] and learn the true identity of the 'Man in the Mask'. After the meeting an enemy boss appears, but Max will flee. Continue to south and destroy the enemies and Monster Gates. Once you are out, a cut scene. Boss fight with the Legion Mother - rather easy. After, a cut scene. Return to Parched Desert for a cut scene. Take the path at the NE to another huge area. There are several items around. If you're going to explore the full map, watch out for the Sand Worms. Running from them is a workable option. When you are done, exit at north-northwest. At some convenient time, return to San Tovance and talk with Joanne again for 30,000 force frame energy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a complicated dungeon. In the first area, get in the place at east. Next area, get back out at NE, then the path at north to get back in the cave, then the path at NE and finally, the path at east. If you want to collect all items, feel free to explore. Watch out for the Medusa - bring some 'Charm of Flesh' along. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here, a cut scene and you will meet with Graham's daughter, Mariel. Continue north. Talk with Mariel again for a cut scene. Then head to the north toward the elevator for a cut scene. Continue up into the audience room to meet with Chaos. After, back down the elevator for a cut scene. If you go south directly from the elevator, you will meet up with Mariel. Mariel will join and you may need to send one party member back to the HQ. Then enter the cart and go south. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another complicated area. If you just want to advance, aim toward the most southern cave in the first area. Take some time to level up and collect items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two paths to take at south, either one is fine. Do watch out for the enemy called Life Drainer, their Dark Magic is quite powerful. Next area, a cut scene, then go all the way to the south, upper level. If you took the upper path from the previous area you would reach to south much faster, but if you want to get all the items you will search both levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A cut scene as you enter, then more enemies. Fight your way around to the center for a cut scene. You will meet up with Freyja and Klein and help them with their battle. The battle with the Legion Wing isn't that difficult - there are five fighters on your side. If your physical defense and fire resistance is moderately good you will be fine. After, a cut scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check the egg for a cut scene. Dryu will join. Head south - it doesn't matter exactly where you go, just keep leaving one area and entering the next. Eventually, a cut scene. After, go north as Dryu wishes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A cut scene, then go south. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approach Klein and Freyja and talk with them for a cut scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head toward the elevator for a cut scene. Select the second option at the elevator and head to the Holy Ground. Continue along the path for a cut scene. Go around and approach the center for a cut scene with Vandolf/Cain. You will end up fighting another Arc Legion. Avoid close-up attacks here. Hide behind your allies and use magic or bow. When you finish the battle _SAVE YOUR GAME_ then go north. A cut scene. Vandolf destroys the final Great Crystal. Vandolf gets all his power back and will be able to summon the almighty Dark Castle. Cut scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vandolf and Max will be teleported to the 'Sanctuary of Light'. This is the birthplace of Max and Cain. After the cut scene it's a one-on-one fight. Vandolf is very fast and often has no weakness for you to work on. Two-handed swords are too slow for a good attack and bows have trouble tracking his movement. A quick single-handed sword with a good shield is a possible option, but a magic attack with Inferno may work out better. From long range Vandolf relies on the Gaia Nova attack which can be dodged if you keep circling, but his close-up critical attack is deadly. After the fight a long cut scene. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Note from Run Amok: I had no success with this fight. My magic was weak and my defense couldn't hold Vandolf off. In desperation I outfitted Max for maximum speed and broke open a 'Charm of Light' to render him invulnerable. I stood my ground and unloaded a ton of manually-targeted arrows into Vandolf. The charm lasted long enough to finish him. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Open the treasure chest to get the 23 Jet Black Seals. Return to the HQ. After a cut scene, Rhinos and Mariel will join. You might reasonably think that you are near the end of the end of the game - just clear the Ordeal of Light, obtain Shining Force, and storm the Dark Castle. But before all that, there are 20 Legion Hives plus one special hive for you to clear and gather the Secret Arts. You can now use the Secret Art function at the Force Arts House to enhance weapons, shields, helms, and armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use the Blue Teleportation markers in the HQ map room to travel to the Hives with activated transporters. You'll have to walk to the others from the nearest teleport location. Remember to activate the transporter when you get to a Hive - you may want to return later in the game. The order in which the Hives are cleared is not critical. If you're having trouble with a Hive, move on to another and come back later when you have greater/different skills and more powerful allies. The 'Darkness Awakened' Secret Art available from the Vampire hive is particularly useful in many of the other hives so you may want to try to claim it early on. The 'Power Up' for each character adds new skills and strength. You can trigger the Power Up scenes before you clear a particular Legion Hive, but you won't get the Power Up until the hive is cleared. 1/ Diagon Road: near the center of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Harpy - Boss: Harpy Force - Secret Art: Harpy Slayer - slays Harpies with one hit. - Items: Sky Striker and Key*99 - Power Up: After you cleared this, talk with Rebecca, pick the third option and head back into this Legion Hive. You get a cut scene, then warp into the place where you fought Harpy Force. Adam will teleport in. Talk with Adam and it will join. 2/ Great Snowfield Southern Area: SE on the map. - Warp Gate Name: Ghost - Boss: Ghost Force - Secret Art: Wizard Folklore - raises INT and MP - Items: Phantom Sword and Holy Tiara - Power Up: After you cleared this, head back to Cantore with Chiquitita in the party. Talk with the village chief Josef. Then get back to this Legion Hive, and teleport to where you fought Ghost Force. Chiquitita will get her Power Up and actually become useful. 3/ Great Snowfield Northern Area: NW on the map. - Warp Gate Name: Skeleton - Boss: Skeleton Force - Secret Art: Third Eye - raises Resist Critical - Items: Wand of Osiris and Flamberge - Power Up: None 4/ Rhinos' Mountain: eastern part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Stalker - Boss: Dark Master - Secret Art: Nihilistic Blow - raises damage on Critical Hit - Items: Moon Beret and Goddess Tear - Power Up: None 5/ Parched Desert Western Area: north part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Impact - Boss: Mythril Golem - try Dark Magic - Wand of Osiris is a good choice - Secret Art: Unbeatable Courage - boosts Stun Recovery time greatly - Items: Brave Ring and Fairy Powder*32 - Power Up: After you cleared this, have Meryl and Dryu in the party then talk with Joanne at San Tovance. Afterward, head back to this Legion Hive to get the Dryu Power Up. 6/ Parched Desert Eastern Area: east part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Worm - Boss: Worm Force - Secret Art: Sign of Life - raises HP healing rate greatly - Items: Mars Chain and Punisher - Power Up: None 7/ Rainbow Prairie SW Area: SW part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Giant - Boss: Titan Force - Secret Art: Giant's Rage - greatly raises knockback and knockdown - Items: Healing Water*3 and Ogre Shield - Power Up: Clear the first Legion Hive and this one, have Meryl in the party then talk with Rebecca. You might even need Adam join you first. After, get back to this Legion Hive, Meryl will get her Power Up. 8/ Rainbow Prairie SW Area: SE part of the map. You must to go through the Under Rainbow Prairie passage to get there. - Warp Gate Name: Werewolf - Boss: Wolf Force - Secret Art: Devil Spark - raises attack speed - Items: Speed Star and Charm of Light - Power Up: None 9/ The Gunsrock Zone: go NE from Greensleeves Middle Level Southern Area (the place you first met Gaia) to Dipless Hill, then north - south part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Lizard Man - Boss: Lizard Force - Secret Art: Lizard Slayer - slays Lizards with one hit. - Items: Armageddon and Georgius' Bow - Power Up: None 10/ Northern Ice Fields: north of Quincine, west part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Ice - Boss: Blue Dragon - Secret Art: Heaven and Earth - gives extra hits against sky dwellers - Items: Ice Brand and Crystal Guard - Power Up: None 11/ Hills of the 25 Sages: use upper east path from Rainbow Prairie, north part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Orc - Boss: Orc Force - Secret Art: Orc Slayer - slays Orcs with one hit. - Items: Gale Ring and Key*99 - Power Up: After you cleared this, have Graham in the party and get to the Larcyle Fort. Speak with a soldier here at east, just down the stairs from the Red Teleportation. After, back to this Legion Hive for Graham get Power Up. 12/ The Mount Hydra: east from The Gunsrock Zone to Cursed Temple, then east to Floating Island, then south - middle part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Lightning - Boss: Gold Dragon - Secret Art: Feat of Striking - boosts attack on each consecutive hit - Items: Force Scepter and Goddess Tear - Power Up: None 13/ Dipless Hill: go NE from Greensleeves Middle Level Southern Area (the place you first met Gaia) - south part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Y-Arm - Boss: Arc Dragon - use Magic against it, but avoid both Light and Dark - Secret Art: Power of the Dragon - flings up and increases Stun Blow - Items: Dragon Shield and Dragus Slayer - Power Up: None 14/ Back of Quincine: from the Northern Ice Fields go south into Cavern of Quincine then west to Back of Quincine. - Warp Gate Name: Succubus - Boss: Queen Force - Secret Art: Divine Spirit - raises MP greatly - Items: Valkyrie and Wing of Medula - Power Up: None 15/ Silver Horn Mountain: north from Northern Ice Fields, north part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Devil - Boss: Devil Father - raise your HP, Defense, Magical Defense, especially against Darkness and use Valkyrie as your weapon - Secret Art: Swordmaster's Secret - raises rate of Critical Hit - Items: Demonish and Holy Shield - Power Up: None 16/ Cursed Cavern: east from The Mount Hydra to 'The Secret Temple Passage' then west to the northern part of the Cursed Temple. You must defeat 5 Devil Brothers around this area to unlock the gate at the center. This Hive is at the north part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Legion - Boss: Arc Legion - Secret Art: Earth Talisman - raises all spell resistance - Items: Force Saber and Force Buster - Power Up: None 17/ The Green Graveyard: from the Greensleeves Middle Level South Area go SW - south part of the map through the Underground Cemetery. - Warp Gate Name: Golem - Boss: Hell Golem - Secret Art: Golem's Soul - prevents knockdown - Items: Chance Maker and Sylvan Bow - Power Up: After you cleared this Hive take Adam to your house in Greensleeves, then return to this Hive for Adam's Power Up. 18/ Holy Mt. Bakaus Eastern Cave: east part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Flame - Boss: Red Dragon - Secret Art: Hymn of Power - raises Attack and Stun Blow ability - Items: Volcano Wand and Volcano Garb - Power Up: After you cleared this Hive and the one below [#19, to clear the Freyja and Klein issue], return to Hyatt with Mariel in the party, talk with Chaos, then head back to this Legion Hive for Mariel's Power Up. 19/ Volcanic Cavern Southern Area: east part of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Stone - Boss: Stone Force - Secret Art: Blessing of the Goddess - greatly increases armor defense - Items: Evil Eye and Charm of Flesh*32 - Power Up: Speak with Freyja and Klein at the Realm of the Birdlings, then speak with Chaos at Hyatt, then back to Freyja and Klein. I just spoke with Chaos then those two. They will join. Return back to the Stone Legion Hive. There will be a treasure chest there. Examine it for a cut scene and they will get their Power Ups, without the usual notice. This also opens the door to the third Ordeal of Light [Flame]. 20/ Frozen Lands: south from Ice Fort, near the center of the map. - Warp Gate Name: Vampire - Boss: Vampire Force - Secret Art: Darkness Awakened - offensive damage recharges HP - Items: Crescent Axe and Leviathan - Power Up: After you cleared this, and the one above [#19, to clear the Freyja and Klein issue], return back to Liebenheim at Quincine with Baron and Rhinos in the party. After, return to this Hive for their Power Ups. After you have cleared all 20 of the above Hives, talk with Rebecca at HQ. 21/ Hills of the 25 Sages: lower part, not the one with Legion Hive Orc. Near the center of the map is a circular stone paved altar. Examine the nearby switch and an entry portal will appear. - Boss: Legion King. Use Force Scepter or Armageddon against it. I used Force Scepter's Gaia Nova Level 3. It has tons HP so you will probably use up all your Goddess Tear. Once you beat the Legion King, take the newly appeared portal. You will return to the surface and six treasure chests will appear around you: - Secret Art: Demonic Pact - raises HP at expense of MP - Items: Chaos Moebius, Healing Water*5, Goddess Tear*3, Charm of Light*2, 500,000 Energy - Power Up: None +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Note from Run Amok: playing as an archer, I had real trouble with the Legion King. You may wish to come back to this Hive after you have the Legion Killer Force Art found in the Ordeal of Light dungeons. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Wonder why you still have 3 Jet Black Seals? They are for special doors. One is in the Dark Castle - I'll point it out in that section. The other two are in the Sinister Caverns, north of Larcyle Fort: - west, lower half of the map After you open the door, SAVE YOUR GAME. What lies ahead is quite fearsome. Since you cannot be seen here without hordes of enemy attacking you (Game Over), equip a bow that has the ability 'Sneak Shot' which allows you to go transparent. While invisible you will not be attacked unless you attack first. Some examples of Sneak Shot bows are Sylvan Bow, Evil Eye, and Sky Striker. Now, see that Weapon Skill icon on the left of the screen? That 'Sneak Shot' icon has a bar that tells when it's charging. When the top of the icon lights up it means it's ready for use. Once you use it you can stay invisible for about 8 seconds. Activate Sneak Shot, hurry to the west, and find a good spot to hide. Once it recharges, you can use it again. The treasure chest that contains the Secret Art is to the west of the door you opened to enter. When you open that Treasure chest (locked - you will need a Key) there will be enemies. Grab the Secret Art [Knight's Code - raises Resist Knockback] and cast Return. For the rough way, I guess you can use Gaia Nova Level 3 to kill all the Naga but that would time consuming and you probably would Return, heal and save a lot. Also you would need to maintain your distance in case Gaia Nova can't hold them back enough. You would need to be extra careful and this surely requires lots of patience. There is also Chaos Gate from the Wand of Osiris which will petrify enemies for a few seconds. That probably won't help much here, but it works on the next case with Lizard King and the Medusa. - north part of the map Similar situation here as above, except the Lizard King can be killed with one shot if your weapon has the Secret Art 'Lizard Slayer'. Medusa are the main problem. As you open the door, go right. There will be a treasure chest here and no enemies. Prepare to do Sneak Shot. As you use a Key and open the treasure chest enemies will appear - quickly activate Sneak Shot, pick up the 'Charm of Light', and Return. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Note from Run Amok: I don't know why Kouli had so much trouble with these two areas. There are a lot of Naga and Steel Golem behind the first door, and plenty of Wolves and Medusa behind the second, but I was easily able to fight thru these areas without any special tactics. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ There are some important Force Arts to be found in these dungeons, including Devil Killer and Legion Killer. You will do well to search and clear each level before facing the Boss at the bottom. You can cast 'Return' from any dungeon level to visit Greensleeves to shop store, save, or enhance your Force Frame. If you break the 'Return' link by wandering away from Greensleeves, the Ordeal entrance portal will offer you the option of returning to any level you were at when you left the dungeon. * First Light Ordeal [Lightning] - S. Sinister Upper Cavern Located north from Larcyle Fort. The entrance to the ordeal is at the NE. Examine the door and the door will open. There are 10 levels. A portal somewhere on each floor will take you to the next floor. The monsters are strong, and physical defense as well as defense against lightning must be high. I entered here at Level 90 for Max, with Valkyrie as his main weapon. Force Scepter and Armageddon were equipped just in case. If you kill all the monsters enemies on a level you will hear a special sound and bonus Energy will be deposited at your feet. You may need to break a few specific objects to draw out all the enemies on a level. Once you pass all 10 floors, you will reach a cut scene with "Third Avatar of the Stars" that precedes your fight with this 'Spark Demon'. He is not terribly strong, but is surrounded by lightning birds and Golems. You can attack with Valkyrie or Gaia Nova, whatever floats your boat. Afterward, two treasure chests and a portal appear. One chest contains a Force Guard and the other a Secret Art [Manna Source of Life - raises HP and MP]. Take the portal to exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Second Light Ordeal [Ice] - Great Snowfield Northern Area Located north of Cantore and south of Quincine. Entrance is in the east section of the map. Examine the door and enter. This is similar to the first Ordeal, only the theme element now shifts to Ice. Still 10 levels and still some strong enemies within. Raise your magical defense against Ice and Darkness. The old Valkyrie will be even more useful here since this place is infested with Devils. A good Blaze Bow is also handy as a backup. At the end you have a cut scene with "Second Avatar of the Stars" before you fight this Ice Demon. This one hits much harder than the Spark Demon - if you don't have defense against Ice you aren't going to survive long. Still, this is not a difficult fight. Equip Armageddon and Inferno. You can slowly damage the Avatar and simultaneously attack the side enemies. When its down to the just the Ice Demon and a few side enemies, you can change to Force Scepter and Attack with Gaia Nova Level 3. After you beat the Avatar, a cut scene and two treasure chests appear. One contains a Force Crown and the other holds a Secret Art [Magic of Insanity - raises MP at cost of HP]. Take the portal out. A cut scene with Meryl. Meryl leaves the party for now. Head back to the HQ and adjust your party. Freyja is fireproof and a good choice for the next Ordeal. Warp to the Realm of the Birdlings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Third Light Ordeal [Flame] - Dragon Mountain Southern Area Located south of the Realm of the Birdlings. The door is probably already opened from the earlier encounter with Freyja and Klein. Enter for your last Light Ordeal. This Ordeal is another 10 levels, but much harder. Early on you will find Titan Force. They can deal heavy damage or even kill in one hit if you give them a chance. Valkyrie faces some difficulty here, so have Armageddon, Force Scepter, Ice Brand, and Punisher ready to fill in. You may also want Ancient Bow or Frost Bow for the Blaze Golems. Freeze Level 3 from Armageddon will be useful for the flame monsters. Mid-way through there will be several of the big Red Dragons. They can be trouble. They move and hit faster than Titan Force, so don't hesitate to save your game often. Like the previous Ordeals, your magical defense against the theme element (flame for this one) needs to be high. Freyja blocks flame and may be useful in your party. When you make it to the Altar of Flame, save your game at the Memory Stone before you take the portal. When you advance to the Ordeal room you'll have a cut scene with the "First Avatar of the Stars - Eldest Brother". You will end up fighting this Balrog Flame Demon. He is brutal. If you took your time and fought through all enemies in these trials (total of 30 floors) you are likely around Level 120 now. Even with the best defense and Secret Arts the Balrog is a challenge. If there is anything related to improved defense or offense against Devil to be strengthened at the Force Art house, do it. In the battle you have to keep your distance - even with a flame defense of 90% his flame ball attack can kill you in seconds. Keep well back and use bow and staff. Valkyrie is quite effective against Devils. Start off the battle by using Freeze Level 3 from the staff Armageddon. Keep this up 'til you kill ALL the birds and you're down to just Golems and Balrog. Concentrate on the nearby Golems to give yourself some running room. Don't get too close, but keep the Balrog in your sight. If you see the flame ball attack coming, run. If you can't run, use Healing Water madly. Keep your distance and attack with your Valkyrie. Take your time. After your victory, a cut scene with Vandolf and Meryl. Two treasure chests and a portal appear. One of the chests contain the Force Shield and the other is a Secret Art [Oracle's Shield - raises all resistance]. Take the portal, then warp back to the HQ. A cut scene. A Warp Gate to the Dark Castle is now available. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Note from Run Amok: I had Mariel and Chiquitita in my party to double-up on healing. My weapon of choice was a level 9 Frost Bow - very effective against Phoenix and the Blaze Golems, as well as the Balrog. No real trouble. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Within the Dark Castle there are five new Force Art 'Pursuit' categories to enhance attacks against Force Monsters: Flame, Lightning, Frost, Light, and Dark. You will also find additional levels of existing Force Art categories. Also within Dark Castle are a number of hidden panels in the walls that will open when examined to reveal secret passageways that do not show up on the map. None of these passageways are needed to complete the game, but some lead to chests with valuable items, or give access to large areas otherwise unavailable. Look for one in a prison cell in the NE section of Central Tower B1 and several in the lowest level of the Battle Tower. Careful examination of the map may reveal clues of their presence. As you enter Dark Castle, a cut scene. * Central Tower Level 1 Hit the switch here and go up to the east. * Central Tower Dark Gate Walk to the left for a cut scene. As Vandolf points out, that gate at north leads to the Dark Central, our final destination. It's locked for now, so take the stairs at west. * Central Tower Level 1 Hit the switch to lower the fence, then go west for a cut scene. After, take the path thru the newly lowered fence - but open the door at SE first so you can backtrack if needed. Take the stairs down to the next area. * Central Tower B1 You will encounter enemies now, and Valkyrie works well here. At the north there is a statue you can break. Do so and take the portal. * Central Tower Level 1 You can head north now. Search to the east for the last sealed door. It requires your final Jet Black Seal. Defeat the enemies and get the Secret Art [Quick Reflex - avoids Stun Blow]. The Castle is huge and you can explore for loads of enemies and items. When you are done, head west. * Research Tower Level 1 Make your way to the lower right to find the next area. * Research Tower B1 Hit the switch and continue along the path to a sand-floored experimental chamber with several Mini Bosses. The Bosses are like Monster Gates - invulnerable until you take down the nearby monsters. Afterward, backtrack up. * Research Tower Level 1 Take the center stairs up. * Research Tower Level 2 Take the transport crystal at the lower left up to the next level. * Research Tower Top Level Continue along the path and head toward the center for a cut scene before you fight a Mythril Golem and side enemies. Destroy the statue before you take the portal and warp back. * Central Tower Level 1 Take the most eastern path to the Battle Tower. * Battle Tower Level 1 As noted earlier, examine walls here for secret passages that lead to otherwise inaccessible areas. I counted three secret passageways on this level. At the center of the map, take the stairs up. * Battle Tower Level 2 The stairs to the next level are at the upper right. * Battle Tower Level 3 There is a transport crystal at the south that will take you to the top level. * Battle Tower Top Level A cut scene and a fight with Devil Father. You previously fought a Devil Father in Legion Hive - Devil. Afterward, break the statue. Take the portal and warp to the Central Tower. * Central Tower Level 1 Open up the map. Take the stairs to the left, nearest your current location, to 'DC Central Tower B1'. * Central Tower B1 You can open the north door now since the two statues have been broken. Within, a cut scene and Meryl will rejoin. * Central Tower Dark Gate The gate is cleared. At the north there is a transport crystal that can take you to Dark Central, Central Tower Level 2, Central Tower Level 1 or Central Tower B1. Finish anything you still wish to do in the Castle. When you are ready, head to Dark Central. * Dark Central Base Loads of enemies surround you. Again, Valkyrie works well here. After you destroy all the monster gates take the warp to the north part. Destroy the monster here to receive two treasure chests and get the crystal back. Continue to the right from the northern part and smash your way through with heavy weapons like Punisher. At the end there is the final Memory Stone of the game. Before you enter the Throne Room, you might want to examine the wall to the west of the Memory Stone - there is a secret panel that reveals a passageway that arcs around the west side of the Throne Room and emerges back at the warp portal. It's filled with monsters and assorted items. Double back to the Memory Stone when you're finished. * Dark Central Throne Room Head up and open the door for the penultimate fight of the game. A cut scene, then time to fight. Vandolf floats around in high speed. Just ignore him for now. There are many side enemies here - mainly Devils, which makes Valkyrie useful yet again. Clear all of the side enemies before you focus on Vandolf. Vandolf uses light and dark magic that can be avoided easily. He floats around quickly and can be difficult to keep up with. Track him and when he uses magic, attack! The battle isn't terribly difficult. After, make sure you save your game. The keys to the final battle are high Darkness and Flame defense, and high Light attack power. Prepare yourself with at least 85% magical defense against Darkness and 95% magical defense against Flame. When ready, take the portal to the final fight of the game. Vandolf will transform with a 'Legion' body - he looks like a giant Vampire. Equip Punisher and attack the central ball [Legion Egg]. Destroying it will take out most of the side enemies. With high Flame and Darkness defense you can survive Vandolf's attacks. Having Mariel or Chiquitita in your party for healing will help conserve Healing Water. If Vandolf's attacks become too bothersome, ignore the Egg and switch your attack directly to Vandolf. Against Vandolf I used Holy Level 2 from the Force Scepter. Use Goddess Tear to keep your MP up. Vandolf has lots of HP, so this will take a while. After his defeat, a cut scene. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Note from Run Amok: I had Meryl and Chiquitita in my party for the Vandolf fights. Valkyrie worked very well in the first Vandolf battle. For the second battle I attacked the Legion Egg with a Leviathan sword (equipped with Darkness Awakened) and carried a Dragon Shield. I was easily able to stay ahead of the damage Vandolf dished out with his flame and darkness attacks. After the Egg was gone, I switched back to Valkyrie (also with Darkness Awakened) to attack Vandolf and the remaining Legion Wing. I used Speed Star armor (with Blessing of the Goddess) to dodge Vandolf's attacks and to quickly track him down when he teleported. When my HP got low I attacked a Legion Wing for HP Absorb or waited on Chiquitita to heal me. No magic needed. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Enjoy the ending - you have beaten the game. After the credit roll and a final animation scene to tie-up the ending (that guy in the hood looks familiar), you will be given the option of saving a 'clear data file' on your memory card. You can save over an existing data file. Do save, and reload the game from the new file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional: Labyrinth of the King ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thought the game was over? Not unless you want it to be. You're back at Greensleeves at a point in the storyline just before fighting Vandolf. I'm guessing that an early version of the game had the Labyrinth of the King as a final hurdle before the Dark Castle but that it was edited out of the main plot sequence. Note: this section really is optional. You won't gain any new insight on the characters and you won't fight any new monsters, but there are some new Force Art enhancements and items. If you're up for a few more hours of hack and slash, let's get started. Head for HQ and take the Warp Gate to 'Legion Hive - Golem'. As you arrive a cut scene will show the entrance barrier on the west face of the pyramid opening. Go there and take the stairs down. Break all the statues here and on the suspended passage above - you will need to exit and enter the higher passageway from outside the Tomb - then head to the east to get out. Once you are out, make your way to the center top of the pyramid to get the Secret Art [Reincarnation - awards force energy for each fallen monster]. With all the statues destroyed the dungeon door on the east face of the pyramid is open. Approach the altar to get enemies to appear. After you finish them off, eight stones will appear positioned in a diamond pattern. This is a puzzle in which you must examine each of the eight stones in the correct order to open a portal to the dungeon. As each stone is examined, it will vanish. If the order in which a specific stone was examined is 'correct', it will emit a blue flash as it vanishes. Start with the north stone and count 'one' as you examine it. Move clockwise around the diamond counting and examining as you go. Note any blue flashes by entering the counted number next to the stone's position in the table below: North: Northeast: East: Southeast: South: Southwest: West: Northwest: After you have examined the last stone all the stones will reappear. Move to the northeast stone, count 'one' as you examine it, and repeat the counting and examining cycle again noting any blue flashes in the sequence table. Continue incrementing your starting stone and repeating the cycle until you know the correct examination order for each stone. Now examine each stone in the correct order and the portal to the Crypt will appear. My order: East, North, West, South, Southwest, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast - I believe an order is randomly assigned for each game. Here you are at the 50-Level optional dungeon. The dungeon levels are very much like the Ordeal of Light dungeons. You will receive a Force Crystal bonus for clearing a level of all monsters, just as you did in the Ordeal of Light. Fight your way thru each level, find the teleport to the next level, and move down. Within the King's Crypt are new Force Arts to enhance Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence [6 levels each] as well as a few additional levels of familiar Force Arts. Keep an eye out for new weapons and accessories: Meteor Bow, Apocalypse, Chaos Tiara, Chaos Dagger, Force Crown, Rod of Lucifer... You may cast 'Return' from within the Crypt to pop back into Greensleeves and teleport back to the level you left via the light but the King's Crypt works a little different than the Ordeal of Light. If you leave Greensleeves and break the 'Return' link, the portal at the Altar of the King does not offer the option to access a level you reached earlier. You would have to restart the Crypt decent, so don't get caught by this. The layout for each level of the Crypt is randomly generated, but the monsters that inhabit a level follow a general pattern. I'll make note of the types of monster you will encounter as you descend. Many levels will have a Force Monster representing one of the monster types found in that zone. This is a good time to start enhancing the Pursuit Force Arts you retrieved from the Dark Castle. * Levels 1 thru 10 The early levels are heavy with Orcs and Birds. As you descend you will run into Harpies, Lizards, Naga, and Golems. Level 4 is all Golem all the time, so prepare a suitable heavy weapon. Beyond level 5 you will start to find Giants, Wolves, and Hell Ants; the Orcs, Birds, and Naga become less common. * Levels 11 thru 20 Heavier hitting Harpies, more dangerous varieties of Wolf, and tougher Giants appear. Orcs, Lizards and Harpies will disappear completely by the end of this section - but the Harpy Force and Lizard Force will be seen again. Level 14 is all Giants. Beware the Titan Force. A few misplaced Dragons and Wyrmlings show up near the mid-point. Larger numbers of Naga return in the bottom part of this section, accompanied by the petrifying Medusas and just a few lost Stalkers. * Levels 21 thru 30 Giants, Medusas, and Wolves dominate the early levels with a few Golem thrown in. Birds phase out for now, and the Naga and Medusas go away for good - but the Stone Force Medusa may return, so keep a 'Charm of Flesh' handy. Near the middle of this section you will enter the Kingdom of the Undead: several levels packed with assorted Skeletons, various Ghosts, and the full range of Frankens lead by Skeleton Force. A weapon with a light element attack will simplify your decent. The Wolves reclaim dominance in the deeper levels, this time in greater numbers. * Levels 31 thru 40 Large packs of Wolves and swarms of Hell Ants are mixed with Giants early on. These monster types disappear abruptly and permanently when large numbers of the Undead reappear in the middle levels: Samurai, Skeletons, hard-to-kill Soul Stealers, and Ghost or Skeleton Force. Toward the lower levels Stalkers become briefly common before disappearing, and you may find elemental monsters in large numbers: Blaze Golem, Wyrmlings, and perhaps a lone Frost Demon. * Levels 41 thru 47 Time to play 'Dragons and Devils'. Dragons and Wyrmlings are the main players in the early levels. Thunder, frost, and flame monster-theme levels are followed by mixed elements with the nearly indestructible Mythril Golem. The lower levels are infested with Devils, Vampires, and a few high-level Samurai. * Levels 48 and 49 Remember back when you first entered the Crypt? Do you recall that I mentioned that it was a good time to start enhancing the 'Pursuit' Force Arts? I hope you took me seriously, because levels 48 and 49 are packed entirely full of Force monsters. You'll get a random draw of five or six different types, and lots of them. Most are susceptible to HP Drain, so I would suggest a weapon with the 'Darkness Awakened' Secret Art. Keep 'Charm of Flesh' handy if you draw the Stone Force. * Level 50 Wyrmlings? I laugh at Wyrmlings. Big elemental Dragons? I squash 'em like Orcs. I was feeling really good about this level - until I rounded a corner and stood face-to-belly with an Arc Dragon. You ran into an Arc Dragon in the Y-Arm Hive, but fighting one in a wide-open Legion hive is much simpler than being pinned in a tight corridor or dead-end passageway with them. I counted six or eight Arc Dragons in this level. Watch for traps: break crates and jars from a distance and be wary of locked chests. Mages and archers would do well to have a Centaur in their party to act as a barricade. The portal from the level 50 crypt takes you to an empty Legion hive. Brace yourself, prepare for the worst, and take the portal in the center. No... NOOOOO!!! It's horrible! It's... another cut scene. You will be granted a brief audience with the spirit of the long deceased 'Supreme King Jayee' who resides here in the Labyrinth. Enjoy your chat, you worked very hard for it. If you like, you can return to the Dark Castle and stomp on Vandolf again. You are most likely close to level 200 now and it should be easy. See if you can kill him with a Force Shirt and a Broad Sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Arts Checklist --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Orc [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Harpy [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lizard [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Wolf [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Naga [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Giant [ ] Lv 7 [ ] Dragon [ ] Lv 8 [ ] Devil [ ] Flame [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 9 [ ] Legion [ ] Lightning [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 10 [ ] Golem [ ] Frost [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Undead [ ] Darkness [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Weapon [ ] Paralysis [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Armor [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Wing [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Scale [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Flame [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lightning [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 7 [ ] Frost [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Light [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Dark [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 7 [ ] Lv 7 [ ] Lv 7 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 8 [ ] Lv 8 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 9 [ ] Lv 9 [ ] Lv 10 [ ] Lv 10 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 7 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 1 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 2 [ ] Lv 7 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 3 [ ] Lv 8 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 4 [ ] Lv 9 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 5 [ ] Lv 10 [ ] Lv 6 [ ] Lv 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Arts Checklist -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unless otherwise noted, the Secret Arts are each located in a Legion Hive. [ ] Hymn of Power Raises Attack and Stun Blow [ ] Giant's Rage Knockback and Knockdown like a Giant [ ] Power of the Dragon Tosses enemies skyward and raises Stun Blow [ ] Heaven & Earth Delivers extra hits to 'Sky Dwellers' [ ] Demonic Pact Raises HP at expense of MP [ ] Nihilistic Blow Raises damage of Critical Hits [ ] Swordmaster's Secret Raises rate of Critical Hits [ ] Devil Spark Increases weapon Attack Speed [ ] Orc Slayer Slays Orcs with one hit [ ] Lizard Slayer Slays Lizards with one hit [ ] Harpy Slayer Slays Harpies with one hit [ ] Feat of Striking Attack Power increases on each consecutive hit [ ] Reincarnation * Turns fallen foes into Force Energy Crystals [ ] Darkness Awakened Adds HP Drain to weapon [ ] Quick Reflex Avoids Stun Blow [Dark Castle - Sealed Door] [ ] Oracle's Shield Raises all resistance [Ordeal of Light 3] [ ] Knight's Code ** Prevents Knockback [ ] Golem's Soul Cannot be Knocked Down - like a Golem [ ] Wizard Folklore Raises INT and MP [ ] Divine Spirit Raises MP greatly [ ] Earth Talisman Raises all spell resistance [ ] Magic of Insanity Raises MP at cost of HP [Ordeal of Light 2] [ ] Sign of Life Raises HP healing rate [ ] Blessing of Goddess Enormous defense [ ] Unbeatable Courage Boosts stun recovery time [ ] Third Eye Raises resist critical [ ] Source of Life Raises HP and MP [Ordeal of Light 1] * Found post-game in the optional 'Labyrinth of the King' ** Found in the N. Sinister Upper Cavern behind the Sealed Door ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kouli - CJayC - Neverland - Sega - Knavick & Crudmonk for compiling info on Secret Arts and Force Arts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Document version Copyright 2005 Kouli Edits, Labyrinth walkthru, and checklists 2009 Run Amok