Run Amok Combat Robotics
Robot Arena: Design and Destroy -- Virtual Run Amok
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Wanna drive Run Amok? -- The new version of Robot Arena is out for your Windows PC and it's very good! Robot Arena: Design and Destroy is a major upgrade to the original Robot Arena. A new physics engine allows the robots to flip, twist, invert, bounce, and dent just like the real things. The construction section is full featured, the paint and finish options are extensive, the arena choices are wild, and multi-player internet is fully supported.

You can download a copy of "Robot Arena: Design and Destroy" for Windows from the Internet Archive. You may also download user-modified versions of the game from GAMETECHMODS.

As a special bonus for fans of Team Run Amok, magician and robot fan Jeff Haas has taken the time to construct and test a beautiful recreation of Run Amok in full Robotica trim for Robot Arena. It drives quite remarkably like the real thing, and is available to download here: (71 KB).

UPDATE! - Robot Arena 2 fan and friend of Team Run Amok "Iceywave" has been busy recreating our other robots for RA2. He has kindly offered them for download here:

UPDATE 2 - Iceywave has turned his modeling attention to the 'Robot Wars Extreme Warriors' arena. New playable versions of an even dozen competitors are available for download below:

UPDATE 3 - August of 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the first major combat robotics tournament in history, and Iceywave did something BIG to celebrate! Icy made RA2 playable robots of ALL the 1994 U.S. Robot Wars competitors in Robot Arena 2:



