Run Amok Combat Robotics
Team Run Amok Appears at Annual Summer Event
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Team Run Amok was well represented at the DaVinci Days festival of arts and technology in Corvallis, Oregon on July 19th thru 21st, 2002. Five separate robotics events were added to the schedule this year and drew big crowds. A dozen light, middle, heavy, and superheavyweight robots performed twice on Saturday and once on Sunday at the Spirit Mountain Casino Outdoor Robotics CRUNCH demolishing trash cans, houshold appliances, shower doors, concrete blocks, and cabinetry. Teams included: JuggerBot, Run Amok, Death By Monkeys, Gray Matter, Slam Job, Mad Cow, Maggot, F.E.A.R., and the RC Palmer School.
Our Robot Wars 'bot The Gap set the event record for highest loft by sending a galvanized trash can up a good 15 feet with our improved pneumatic flipper. Run Amok herself was at the event as a static display. We gave out a whole bunch of our new robot trading cards for both The Gap and Run Amok and talked to many fans of combat robotics.
Throughout the day, Mike Morrow of Team JuggerBot ran a series of "Build Your Own Robot"
clinics where people could dig thru a box of components and put together their own mini-robot.
An experienced robot builder helped each team get their R/C terror working at full capacity, with dual
transmitters to control motion and weapons. Completed robots then battled it out in the arena for glory
and bragging rights. Mike and his team put in a lot of work on this event, and deserves a lot of credit. Look for it to repeat at future robot tournaments and demos. Well done, Mike!
After Sunday's "Crunch" several of the participants adjourned to an undisclosed location for a no-rules, no-audience, no-prizes open air combat session we called the Oregon Clandestine Street Fight. The link takes you to my YouTube playlist for the event videos.
You can reach Team Run Amok by e-mail at: