![]() Questioning Robot Combat Paradigms Privacy Policy Many elements of robot combat are simply taken for granted, but many things were different in early tournaments. Maybe it's time to think about alternatives to inject some variety in the sport? Some of the ideas I put forth below are 'half baked' but they might serve as a starting point for new competitions. Let's take a look at some of the sport's paradigms: Robots are classed by weight
Matches are timed
How do you prevent a match from turning into a couple of barely mobile machines creeping across the arena?
Matches are scored
There were no `scoring' judges at the first Robot Wars (1994 Robot Wars rules). Matches went on for ten minutes or until someone was immobilized. If at the end of ten minutes both 'bots were still mobile they BOTH went thru to the next round. The audience often called for a 'rematch' at the early wars as well. If you have judging, you have controversy. Robotica had technical judges to call penalties for things like `going out of bounds' and to determine whether specific goals had been completed, but there was no `scoring' as such. If you design a competition with very specific goals (first 'bot thru the course, last 'bot on the platform...) the judging becomes simple and technical in nature. For an example of how convoluted and controversial scoring robot combat can be, see: Try Your Hand as a Combat Robot Judge.
You're supposed to damage the other robot There are a good number of people in robot combat who really like to destroy stuff. OK. but should that be the entire purpose of the sport? In spite of the opinions of one well-known judge, the way matches are scored does heavilly influence the design and operation of combat robots. Current damage/agression scoring guidelines put a very narrow focus on the sport. A lot of differences in the style of robotic combat can also be traced to the design of the combat arena:
The rules for the first Robot Wars competition in San Francisco (1994) determined the winner as the 'bot that immobilized their opponent. Pinning against an arena obstacle was OK: thirty-seconds of immobility and you were gone. If both 'bots were mobile at the end of 10 minutes, they both advanced! Judges did no scoring, but could disqualify a robot for "excessive evasion". The rules at Robot Wars 1995 shortened the matches to 5 minutes and settled draws by audience response. A panel of three judges stood by if the audience vote was close. The criteria of "Damage, Aggressiveness and Control" were first mentioned here. Immobilisation thru pinning was still the preferred method of winning. The Northeast Robotics Club came up with rules for a featherweight 'Sportsman' class with weapon restrictions that reduce damage and encourage creative design. Section 2.2 of the 2007 Robot Fighting League Rules include specifications for this 30-pound sportsman class. The wording of these rule sets are still a bit vague, but the outlook is positive!
Robots fight in a bulletproof box with a flat floor
Large boxes with walls of high-impact plastic are very expensive to construct, transport, set-up, tear-down, and maintain. There are very few heavyweight-rated arenas available in the whole of the country. Several robot combat tournaments have been held with only limited audience protection and strict limits on weaponry. I suspect these tournaments give insurance agents indigestion, but they are a lot of fun! Want to discourage wedges? Attempts at rules to exclude wedges result in difficult to interpret language that ends up excluding other interesting designs as well (see section 2.2 of the RFL Rules). It's simpler and less restrictive to simply get rid of the smooth, flat floor. The 'real world' has rocks, lumps, and depressions that would cause real grief for wedges and potential danger for mega-spinners. Apply some reality! See Antbotica for a small-scale example of thinking 'outside the box'.
Somebody always wins
If the robots in a contest are simply not capable of doing what is required of them, then it may be best to award a 'double loss' and save the audience the hardship of watching either of them continue in the tournament.
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