Robot Wars Extreme Warriors season 1 combat tournament tree


The first season of Robot Wars Extreme Warriors (The New TNN network) filmed U.S. competitors in England in June/July, 2001. At the last minute, TNN programming people decided to shrink the entire 24 robot main tournament to a single one-hour show. To accomodate this, the first round format was crushed into four, six-robot melees with only one robot advancing!

Other shows in the series featured a House Robot Challenge, The Annihilator, The American Civil War (North vs. South), Tag Team Terror, The War of Independence (US vs. UK), and the Robot Wars World Championship.

Full summaries of each show in this series may be found at: TV Tome: RWEW Season 1.

Run Amok Combat Robotics homepage
Six Million Dollar Mouse Chris Hannold, Bot-Ugly - Jim Moulton, Close Enough - David Gilson, Coffin-Bot - Steven Karp, Cyclone - Chris Harriman, Drillzilla - Dave Hall, Falcon - Rand Whillock, General Chompsalot - Tim Berghoefer, Mad Cow - Jason Barger, Manta - Jeff Cesnik, Medusa Oblongata - Mike Hertzig, Panzer Mk. 2 - Don Lariviere, Red Virus - Walter Martinez, Revolutionist - Brian Nave, Rippa Raptor - Bob Pitzer, Rosie the Riveter - Chris Gattman, Run Away - Mark Joerger, Shuriken - Evan White, Sobek - Glen Sears, Spartacus, The Brute - Mike Regan, Tiger Cat - Dave Sandel, Tricerabot - Mike Morrow, Unibite - Jerome Miles