The second season of Robot Wars Extreme Warriors (The New TNN network) filmed U.S. competitors in England in January, 2002. The competition format was the same as the U.K. Fourth Wars: each heat started with six robots divided into two, three-robot combat melees. In each melee, a single robot was eliminated and the two surviving robots were each paired against survivors from the other melee for the second fighting round. The two winners of those matches fought for the heat championship.
Full notes on each show in the series can be found at: TV Tome: RWEW Season 2.
The Nickelodeon network filmed a series of six slightly subdued Robot Wars shows at this same competition. Surviving robots from The New TNN filming were driven by kids in a series of short competitions (Tag Team, Annihilator, etc.) Some British teams also participated. Notes on each of the shows in that series may be seen at: TV Tome: Nickelodeon Robot Wars.