BattleBots Season 3.0 tournament trees

The fifth BattleBots tournament continued the partnership with the Comedy Central cable network. BattleBots season 3.0 was filmed May 22 - 28, 2001 at Treasure Island - San Francisco, California.

This was the first BattleBots event in which veteran ranked competitors were allowed gain an advantage by sitting out the early rounds of the tournament, generally entering at the 'round of 32'. This practice would become quite controversial. Later tournaments had a majority of late-round slots reserved for ranked 'bots.

A "Giant Nut" trophy was awarded to the winners of each weight class tournament. Additional Giant Nuts were awarded to robots in these categories:

Lightweight Rumble:Ziggo
Middleweight Rumble:T-Minus
Heavyweight Rumble:HexaDecimator
Super Heavy Rumble:Toro
Most AggressiveThe Judge
Best Engineering:The Judge
Coolest Robot:T-Minus





Run Amok Combat Robotics homepage Statcounter
A Bot Named Sue, A.W.O.L., Aeon 00, Aggravated Assault, Archangel, Aries, Backlash, Bad Bone, Bad Habit, Bambino, Black Warrior, Blood Dragon, Blood Moon, Botilla the Hun, Botulistic, Brain Mold, BuddleStomper, Bulldog, Carnage Raptor, Centipede, Chimera, Chunky 357, Claymore, Cold Steel, Crashius Clay, Critical Condition, Daisy, Dark Matter, Dark Steel, Death By Monkeys, Deviation Response, Diamondback, Doomsday Machine, Double Secret Probation, Dr. Inferno Jr., Eric the Red, Fang, Froghemoth, Frozen Toast, Gamma Raptor, General Gau, Godtilla, Half Ass N Random, HammerHead, Headtrimmer, Herr Gepoünden, Hobgoblin LTD, I-Will-Smack-U, Jo Mama, Junkyard Dog, Land Mine, Lobotomizer, Mad Cow, Malice, Manic Aggressive, Mantis, Matts Bammer, Mecha Tentoumushi, Misantrhrobot X2, Mouser Mecha-Catbot, Mr. Snooglepuss, Nicebot, No Tolerance III, Parallax, Patriot, Pestilence, Purple Haze, Pursuer, Ramming Speed, Reaper, Recycler, Rhode Hog, Rim Tin Tin, Road Dot, Robo Master, Robot X, Rolling Blackout, Sallad, Scrap Daddy Surplus, Serial Box Killer, Shaft, Shish-Ka-Bot 1.1, Shockwave, Shrike, Silver Bullet, Sisyphus, Skid Mark, Snap Dragon, Snap Dragon, Snipe, Snow Flake, Sparky, Speed Bump, Spin Reaper, Sublime, T.U.S.K., Tantrum, Texas Stampede, The Archduke, The Crusher, The Midnight Project, The Wacky Compass, Toe Crusher, Trilobot, Undertow, Unlicensed Chiropractor, Vermicious Kenid, Wacker, Wedge of Doom, Wedge-O-Matic, Weed Wacker, Wham! Bam!, Whirl Wep X25, Whirligig, Ziggo, Aftermath, Agsma, Alabama Slammer, Ankle Biter, The Annihilator, Armadillo, Avatar, B.E.H.EMOTH, Bad Attitude, Bang, Batray, Blade Runner, Booby Trap, Bot Mulcher, Bot-a-Bing, Bottom Dweller, Bouncing Betty, Buddy Lee Stay In Your Seat, Bumber Bawt, Caliban, Can Opener, Cerberus, Chameleon, Cheap Shot, Chiabot, Complete Control, Count Botula, Crouching Puppy, Cyclonic Plague, Deadblow, Deb Bot, Die Fledermaus, Dispose-All, Double Agent, El Cucuy, EnumScratch, Eraser, Evil Con Carne, Exodus 2001, Eye of the Storm, F5, Fast Forward, Flip You Off, Fusion, Garm, Gary Gizzmo, Goathammer, Gungnire, Halo, Hazard, Hipopononomus, Horriffica, Huggy Bear, Ice Cube, Instigator, Iron Soldier, Kegerator, Kill-9, Kinetic Kill Vehicle, Kraken, Li'l Chiper, Little Drummer Boy, Lobotomy, Machiavelli, Maddgoth, Maggot, Malvolio, Maneater, Mechanical Wildcat, Meltdown, Mettallic Mayhem, Mobster, Mordicus, Mr. Sucko, Musashi, Narwhal, Neb, Necronomibot, Nemesis, Nibbler, No Tolerance II, Outlaw, Pack Raptors, Palindrome, Phishfeuxd, Phoenix, Pink Slip, Pokey, Portable Killsaw, Psychotron, Ravager, Rebob, SABotage, Scheduled for Destruction, Scrap Daddy Flipskanker, Scrap Metal, Short Circuit, Short Order Cheff, Shovit, Shredbot, SMD, Spare Parts, Spin Cycle, Spinster, Squirrelly D, Stealthbot-Talahassee Lassie, Stingray, Subject to Change Without Reason, Sunshine Lollibot, T6, The Orlando Commando, Thwak, Timmy, T-Minus, Tower Of Power, Trainwreck, Travesty, Traxx, Turbo, Twin Paradox, Twister, T-Wrex, Uplifting Experience, Velocity 1, Village Idiot, Violator, Vortex, WindChill, Wulfbane, Zion, Zombie, Zulu, B.O.B., Bacchus, Bad Badger, Bad Dog, BattleRat, Bender, Biohazard, Black Ops, Blendo, Botknocker 19, Center Punch, Chewbot, Chomp, Circuit Breaker, Collateral Damage, Crab Meat, Crash Test Dummy, Deathwishbone, Disco Cow 3000, Dreadbot, Dredge, El Diablo Grande, Fork-N-Stein, FrenZy, Frostbite, Gammatron, Gang Green Weasel, GoldDigger, Greenspan, Heart of Darkness, Hexadecimator, I-Beam, Icky Thump, Incisor, Incoming, Jack Tripper, Jolly Roger, Junkyard Offspring, KillerB, Killerhurtz, Kill-O-Amp, Kritical Mass II, License To Kill, Little Sister, M.O.E., Massacre, Mauler 51-50, Maximum Overdrive, MechaVore, Mjollnir, My Son, Nasty Overbite, Negative Reinforcement, Nerd Killer, Nightmare, Omega-13, Orion, Overkill, Parasitic, Phrizbee, The Piecemaker, Psycho Splatter, Punjar, PyRAMidroid, Reactore, RoboSapien, Scallywag, Scrap Daddy's Persistor, Sgt. Spanky, Shaka, Shark Byte, Slam Job, SledgeJammer, Son of Whyachi, Spinne, Spinning Mayhem, Surgeon General, Tarkus, Tazbot, Technofool, That Good R&D;, The Administrator, The Ripper, Tool Chop, Total Chaos, Towering Inferno, Tripulta Raptor, Vlad the Impaler, Voltronic, Yoshik, Africanized Killer Bot, Anubis, Armageddon, Atomic Wedgie, Ballbreaker, Battle Scar, Brainsters of Triskelion, Cannibot, CUAD The Crusher, Cyclone, Dawn of Destruction, Diesector, DooAll, Dreadnought, Electric Lunch, Eradicator, Flailbot, G.O.R.T., Go Postal, Gray Matter, Gyrax, Half Gassed, Hammerlock, Hammertime, Hoobot, IceBerg, Isosceles 1, Jack the Gripper, Jaws of Death, The Judge, JuggerBot, KillDozer, Little Blue Engine, Little Egypt, Mantaray, Maximus, Metalhead, Minion, Neptune, No Apologies, Odin II, OJ, Orge, Overlord, Phere, Rammstein, Revision Z, Ronin, Scrap Daddy Turbulence, Steel Reign, Super Shark, Techno Destructo, The Junkyard Cog, The Probe, The Swarm, Toro, Tortoise, Trimangle, Vladiator, Wack-a-Tron, Whyachi, World Peace