BattleBots Season 5.0 tournament trees

The seventh BattleBots tournament was to be the final event in the partnership with the Comedy Central cable network. BattleBots season 5.0 was filmed May 22 - 27, 2002 at Treasure Island - San Francisco, California. Comedy Central replaced BattleBots in their programming schedule with a puppet show.

This event expanded on the practice of allowing veteran ranked competitors to gain an advantage by sitting out the early rounds of the tournament. A scant 8 or 9 slots were available in each 'round of 32' for unranked 'bots.

A "Giant Nut" trophy was awarded to the winners of each weight class tournament. An additional Giant Nut was awarded to a robot in one category:

Most Aggressive:Phrizbee-Ultimate





Run Amok Combat Robotics homepage
A.W.O.L., Ack-Ack!, ACME Surplus Fighting Robot, Afterburner, Aggravated Assault, Agsma, Alpha Crusader, Baby Bear, Backlash, Bad Buzzard, Bait, Bambino, Big Stick, Biggus, Blood Moon, Blue Vixen, Bot Product, BrewBot, Bulldog, Burning Metal, Carnage, Cast Iron Pig, Chimera Mk. II, Claw Reaper, Claymore, Cleprechaun, Code:BLACK, Cold Chisel, Cold Steel, Concretor, Crashius Clay, Dark Steel, Das Bot, Death By Monkeys, Death Ray, Dr. Inferno Jr., Dracolich, Dude of Destruction, Eric The Red, Evil Squirrel, Fang, Firestorm, Flying Brick, Gamma Raptor, General Gau, Gig'em Bot, Grunt Force, Havoc, Helichopter, Helmie The Robot, Herr Gepoünden, Hexy Jr., Hyperkeil, IDIC, Jack The Flipper, Jo Mama, K, Kernel Klink, Knucklehead, La Betail (Beh tie'), Land Mine, Little Hater, Little Piece of Hate, Little Punch, Little Whacko, Lobotmizer, Locomotion, Low Blow, Mad Cow's Revenge, Major Divot, Malice Aforethought, Manic Aggressive, Manta, Matts Bammer, Mid-Evil Mower, Mini Mer, Mini-G, Miss Dee Meaner, Monarch, Mouser Mecha Catbot, No Luv, NT-4, O'Dominator, Osirus, Overwelming Force-59, Paladin, Patriot, PitBot, Poink, Pursuer, Rambite 2.0, Ramming Speed II, Reaper, Repeat Offender, Rhode Hog, Rim Tin Tin, Robo Master, Robomination, RoboMisDirection, Robot X, Rolling Blackout, Rugger, Sallad, Sawulator, Scorned, Scorpioid, Scrap Daddy Surplus, Screamin' Demon, Serial Box Killer, Sharkicide, Shockwave, Sisyphus, SkidMark, SlamDancer, Slap 'Em Silly, Smak Jr., Snipe, Snowcone, Snowflake, Son of a Beast, Space Madness, Speed Bump, Spwack, Steel Magnolia, Sublime, Swinger, T.U.S.K., TDM, Tentoumushi 8.0, The Axecutioner, The Big B, The Crusher, The Phreak, The Pipe, The Prosecutor, The Raven, The Toy, The WOK, Tiki Fire, Toe-Crusher, Trilobot, Tsunami, Twist of Fate, UGV Scorpion, Undertow, Wedge of Doom, Wedgehawg, Wedge-O-Matic, Wham! Bam!, Whirl Wep, Whirligig, Widowmaker 2, Wireless Wonder, YU812, Ziggo, 64 Wedge, A-10 Thunderbolt, Adult Supervision is Required, Alabama Slammer, Angry Barracuda, Ankle Biter, Arachnobot, Armadillo, Bad Attitude, BattleDawg, Bigger-MisDirection, Bit Schlapp, Blade Runner, Blue Devil, Blue Steel, Borris, Bottom Dweller, Bovine Intervention, BravePart, Bumper, Caliban, Canibull, Centipede, Chameleon, Chiabot, Chopper, Chummy, Complete Control, Crash Test Junior, Cratos and Bia, Cryptler, Dark Shredder, Darkness, Deadblow, DevNull, Double Agent, Double Trouble, Easty Beast, Edge, El Diablo, El Spooky, Evil Twins, Exodus, Fast Forward, Feminine Wiles, FlapJack, Fork, Fusion, G-Bot, Goldie, Green Wave, Gremlin, Happy Scrappy Hero Pup, Hat Rack, Hazard, Heavy Metal Noise, Hi Speed Come-A-Parts, Hipopononomus, Hoarf, Huggy Bear, Ice Cube, Iron Soldier, Jack Rabbit, Knee-Breaker, Little Drummer Boy, Lobotomy, Logos, Machiavelli, Maddgoth, Maggot, Major Punishment, Malvolio, Maximum Impact, MicroVore, Minnesota Mangler, Mirror Image, Misty The Wonderbot, Mobster, Moebius, Mohammed Ali, Mongus, MosFet On Steroids, Mow-Blow, Mr. "D", Mutilator, Myter Byter, Nemesis, Oh Debsy, Orlando Commando, Outlaw, Pack Raptors, Pentazmo Destructo, Persistence, Phoenix, Playmate, Plowbot, Pokey, Problem Child, Psyche, Psychotron, Ravager, Red Square, Rest In Pieces, RipTide Red, Rock Hard 2.0, Root Canal, Rubox, S.O.B., SABotage, Scrap Daddy Flipskanker, Secret Weapon, Shovit, Shredbot, Silver Shield, Simon Bar Spinister, Slap Em Sillier, Space Monkey, Speed Bump XL, Spice Weasel, Spike Demon, Strange Brew, Summoner, Sunshine Lollibot, Sweet, Swordfish, Tesla's Tornado, The Jouster, The Master, Thumper, ThunderWave, Timmy, T-Minus, Trainwreck, TriDent, Trocar, Turbo, Turtle, Twin Paradox, Two-Fisted, T-Wrex, Velocity, Viking Dragon, Wee Willy Wedgy, Whirlwind, Why Not, Worm Burner, Wrath Jr., WulfBane, ZiggZagg, Zion, 8 Ball, Aces and Eights, Agitator, Bad Blood, BattleRat, Bender, Bermuda Triangle, Beta, Big Betty, Bily-Bot, Biohazard, Botknocker-19, Bullistic, Center Punch, Chewbot, Circuit Breaker, Crabmeat, Crash Test Dummy, Darkstar-2J, Death-Maul, Der BiterBot, Die Fledermaus Zwei, Diskontent, Dredge, El Diablo Grande, Evolution, Fatal Encounter, FrenZy, FrostBite, Gale Force, GoldDigger, Golem, Gorilla Warfare, Got Bot?, Greenspan, Grim Reaper, Heart of Gold, Hexadecimator, Incisor, Interceptor, Jabberwock, Jawbreaker, JC - Slammer, Junkyard Offspring, Killer B, Knightiknight, Little Sister, M.O.E., Mastakilla, Mauler 51-50, MechaVore, Megabite, Mr. Bonestripper, Nightmare, Omega-13, Overbearing, OverKill, P.T. Bruiser, Paralyzer Pete, Phalanx, Phrizbee, Poops McGee, Ringmaster, Ripkin, Ripper V2, RoboVore, Scrap Daddy Persistor, Sharkbyte, Sharp Cheese, Silverback, Slam Job, Sledge-Jammer, Speedy, SpikedPunch, Spinister, Spinning Mayhem, Spitfire, Stealth Terminator, Super Collider, Surgeon General, T.O.D.D., Tarkus, Tazbot, Technofool, Terrorantula, The Jack Tripper, The Matador, Think Tank, Towering Inferno, Toy Car, Trilabite, Trippy, Tulsa Hurricane, UpperCut, Vlad The Impaler II, Voltronic, Warhead, Warrior, Wham-I-Am, Wrath, XSNERGY, Y-Pout, Abaddon, Abbatoir, Alcoholic Stepfather, American Justice, Amputator, Angriff, Armageddon, Atomic Wedgie, Axe No Questions, Black Dawn, Black Hawk, Bolo, Brainsters of Triskellian, Brute Force Method, Bucky The Beaverbot, CodeBreaker, Cry Havoc, Da Craw, Daisy Cutter, Diesector, Dreadbot, Dreadnought, Electric Lunch, Entscheidungsproblem, Eradicator, Fantom Thrust, Final Destiny, G.O.R.T., Gammacide, Gray Matter, Gross Negligence, Gyrax, Half Gassed, Hammertime, Hog Wild, Hoobot, Hostile Intent, IceBerg, Impact, Jack The Hammer, Janus, Jaws of Death, Killdozer, Little Blue Engine, Little Pink Butterfly of Doom, M2K02, Mad Mer, Magnasty Destructotron, Maximus, Menace, MetalMuncher, Mike-da-Drum, Minion, My Nutz Are Stainless, New Cruelty, No Apologies, Odin II, Ogre, Patton, Paydar, Phere, Phrizbee-Ultimate, Pinch Point, Pro-AM, Puck, Rammstein, Road Rage, Roboloco, Rocket Sauce, Ronin, Sick Mind, Son of Whyachi, Steel Reign, Strike Terror, Super Nova, Swirlee, Techno Destructo, The Black Knight, The Butcher, The Judge, The Probe, The Swarm, Timber Wolf, Tomb of Doom, Toro, Tortoise, Tri-Mangle, Tybalt, Under-Taker, Vesuvius, Vladiator, Yabba Dabba Dozer